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17 Honda Civic LX Sedan 4D sedan Black FINANCE ONLINE $,590 (TOUCHLESS DELIVERY TO YOUR HOME central/south phx ) pic hide this posting restore restore this posting $500 favorite this post Oct 271995 Honda Civic Del Sol Si 5Speed Manual Orange, CA , USA 136,513 Miles Orange, CA $5, Here is a super clean 95 Honda Civic Del Sol SI with only 136k miles on it This has the 16L 4 Cylinder SOHC VTEC motor in it The timing belt and water pump were replaced @ 91k miles This has a 5 speed manual transmissionResearch honda del sol Find your next car by browsing our extensive new and preowned Honda del Sol inventory from local Honda dealerships and private sellers You can also compare prices, trim specifications, options, reviews, scores and recall history of Honda del Sol of different years with similar vehicles

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